Lockdown Learning Week 2

08 January 2021

Click here to the learning for this week. 

Make sure to send completed work, photos of your home activities or any questions you have to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and one of the Year 2 staff will get back to you! 

Zoom link for the 8:45am and 2:45pm meetings: 

link will be posted here and texted 15 minutes before.



Hello Year 2. This week will upload english, maths and phonics learning for you daily to complete. We will also upload enquiry work for you to do for the week. 

Please Send all your work to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and Miss Burnett or Mr Thomson will get back to you as soon as we can! 

We will hold daily zooms every day at 8:45am and 2:45pm - link will be posted here and texted 15 minutes before.




In English we will be exploring the meaning of new words from Traction Man.  We will be focussing on adjectives (describing words).  You can find the worksheet here.  Watch the video below for your instructions.


Maths will be practical today and you will need some equipment ready to complete the lesson.  Please gather together your whiteboard and pen, and then some simliarly sized objects such as lego bricks, pasta shapes, pebbles etc.  You will see in the video how many you need.  The questions for the lesson are here.


The sound for today is 'oy'



In English you will be creating your own comic strips. Watch the video below to find out more! You may this sheet to help you.



Today we are going to continue to be representing multplication number sentences. Watch this video to recap the learning and complete today's sheet,

Spr2.1.5 - Multiplication sentences using pictures from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Today you will be practising the 'ea' sound! Get your whiteboard and pens ready!


Story Time 




Today, your English lesson will involve watching a youtube video to help with drawing a super hero.  Watch my video below, pausing to go to the Art for Kids youtube channel using the links underneath the video.  You can find the worksheet here.


How to draw the Avengers:


How to draw The Incredibles:


How to draw DC heroes:




Today we are going to be describing groups using the multiplication sign (x) and representing groups. Remember: 'x' in number sentences means lots of, equal groups of, multiplied and times so we can say 3 x 5 is 3 lots of 5 or 3 equal groups of 5 as well as 3 times 5. Here is the worksheet 

Spr2.1.5 - Multiplication sentences using pictures from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Today we are concentrating on the 'ie' sound in Phonics. Get your whiteboards and sound mats ready!


Story Time 




Today we are exploring graphic novels and practising using our tone of voice for different parts of the text. Watch the lesson below and then watch this video for more Danger Mouse fun! 


Today we are introducing the multiplication sign x  in our learning. The multiplication sign means 'lots of' and 'equal groups of' as well as 'times' so we can build on our previous learning describing groups. For example, 4 equal groups of 3 can be shown as 4x3. Watch this White Rose Video to learn more.

Spr2.1.4 - Multiplication using the x symbol from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.

You can do the worksheet we are doing in class (here you will find the Level 2 and 3 challenges too) or you can do the White Rose worksheet alongside the video.



Here is your next lesson. Today, we are focusing on the 'ou' sound. Make sure to revise sounds you know before starting using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTe5_Em0BHQ&safe=active


Story Time



Today we're going to work out the meaning of words that we don't know.  We will remind ourselves of the strategies we have in our toolkit for this, and then try using them with words from the story.

You will need to use this sheet to help you with your work.



Today we are going to be continuing to add equal groups and draw equal groups to help us work out trickier addition number sentences! Watch the video below and complete the worksheet here



Today we are focusing on the 'ay' sound. Make sure you have your sound mats and whiteboards ready to learn.


Story Time

Hear Mr Thomson reading 'The Magic Finger' by Roald Dahl.  Part 1



This term we are trying to answer the question: What could Traction Man's playground be made of?  You can do these activities over the week.

Activity One: Go on a material hunt round your house! We want you to look for these materials: paper, wood, cardboard, glass, metal, fabric, plastic and rock? Make sure to send us a photo of all the objects you find.  If you don't know what these materials are or how they look, watch this video first: 


Activity Two: Can you sort the objects on this sheet into the materials they are made of?

Activity Three: Can you name the materials of each object on this sheet? Use the word bank to help you. 

Activity Four: Today we are thinking about the properties of different materials. The property of a material is something about it that we can measure, see or feel. The key words we will be using to describe materials are: soft, hard, heavy, light, stretchy, stiff, smooth, rough, bendy, rigid, flimsy, durable, waterproof, absorbent, opaque and transparent. Watch this video to learn what each word means. 

Then,  try this activity matching the vocabulary to their definition!   https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item1137912/grade1/module1128907/index.html

Activity Five: Today we are testing materials and their properties. Collect some objects around your home and complete this table. One has been done for you. 


1 comment

  • Comment Link Sara 15 January 2021 posted by Sara

    I hope. That you are. Fine?

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